United States Country Registry
- July 14, 2012

This day has been dedicated to:

Michael & Anna Ferrari

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International Day Registry

Michael & Anna Ferrari's Wedding Day

Date: July 14, 2012

Owner: Michael & Anna Ferrari

Purchased By: Anna Ferrari

Why this day is important:

July 14, 2012 is the day I married my best friend, the one who I laughed with and cried with. A new chapter of my life began and I cannot wait to finish writing the pages of our book. I don't know what life may throw at us, but what I do know is, together we can get through it, and we can weather any storm:This year proves it!

"You're my backbone,
You're my cornerstone,
You're my crutch when my legs stop moving,
You're my head start,
You're my rugged heart,
You're the pulse that I've always needed.
Like a drum, baby, don;t stop beating,
Like a drum my heart never stops beating.
For you, For you!
You will never sleep alone, I'll love you long after you're gone, gone, gone."

-Phillip Phillips

International Day Registry