Our Satisfaction Guarantee

We are so confident that “Dedicating a Day” will be the one of the BEST gifts ever received and that you will be SO SATISFIED with your decision that we stand behind our product with a 90-day Money Back Guarantee!Why do we offer this guarantee? Because we are that confident that dedicating a day to a loved one is the sweetest and most sincere gift ever created. We also know word of mouth is the best way to spread the word about any product, and we want you to be so happy that you tell your friends and family about us.

Real Testimonials. Real Customers. Real Reviews.

Showing 81-81 of 49 Testimonials

Kristian Gamache

"I ordered something for my Mother to commemorate her 50th birthday. We don’t live near each other so we could not be together, but thanks to MyDayRegistry she will always cherish that day. She absolutely loved it!"

Dedicated 8/15/2012 as a Mother's Day Gift.

Showing 81-81 of 49 Testimonials