United States Country Registry
- November 23, 2015

This day has been dedicated to:

Jason & Tammi Carr

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International Day Registry

#ChadTough Day

Date: November 23, 2015

Owner: Jason & Tammi Carr

Purchased By: Chad Tough Supporter

Why this day is important:

The ChadTough Foundation was started by the Carr Family in honor of their son, Chad, and his ongoing battle with DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma). DIPG is an inoperable tumor in the brainstem near the top of the spinal cord. Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer death from childhood cancer. DIPG is the most common cause of death due to brain tumors in children. There are very few treatment options and an extremely low survival rate. Only a very small percentage of cancer research funding goes to pediatrics. The ChadTough Foundation supports pediatric brain tumor research and studies nationwide. Chad Carr gained his angel wings on November 23, 2015 and this day is being dedicated to celebrate his life and always being #ChadTough.

International Day Registry